Kindermusik Core Curriculum

Kindermusik’s Core Curriculum are once a week classes designed specifically for the musical, and developmental needs for children at each of these ages.  Many families have started with the Village program, and continued through the entire series, allowing their musicality to blossom and grow at each stage, with graduation from the Young Child program being the pinnacle achievement.  A lifetime of musical and personal success has begun.

Village(0 – 18 months) – 45 min. with parent or significant partner

The Village program truly lets us experience the Kindermusik motto, “A good beginning never ends”.  Babies brains are ready to absorb and create pathways in their brains based on what they hear and experience with a loving parent.  We are laying a foundation for musical understanding, as well as using music to help lay MANY foundations of learning benefitting the WHOLE child, AND the daily routines of the families.  PLUS, parents just enjoy learning many unique ways to have FUN with their babies, and to connect with other parents who are going through the same experiences.


Our Time  (1 1/2 to 3 1/2 yrs.) –  45 min. with parent or significant partner

The Our Time program extends that same kind of learning for children who are ready to explore life more vigorously.  It is Our Time to learn ALL the many ways our bodies can move.  It is Our Time to develop our voices, expand our vocabulary and learn to LOVE to sing out loud.  It is Our Time to learn to connect with others in unique and meaningful ways, feeling the connections we have within ourselves, our families, and our friends.  Many families here in Lakeland have developed life-long friendships with the families they enjoyed Kindermusik with.

Imagine That !   (3 – 5 yrs)  30 min. independent participation, then last 15 min. with parent (and siblings).

The Imagine That ! program totally respects the unique personality traits of the preschool age child, their independence is emerging, their imaginative play blossoms, and they learn best through play.  So each semester has a unique real-world theme, and each class is a story-telling adventure that incorporates singing, moving, instrument play, and more while providing opportunities that are unique to this age group.  Musically, we focus on developing a good singing voice, fine tuning our steady beat, and developing ensemble skills, ie. playing specific rhythms at specific times in a story, or with other instruments in a group. 

Kindermusik for the Young Child  (5 – 7 yrs)  45 min. independent participation, then last 15 min. with parent (and siblings).

Kindermusik for the Young Child is the grand finale of Kindermusik’s Core Curriculum, in which students participate in a once a week after school program for two years, with a specific focus on music theory, music skills and music history. 

The students learn to read and write rhythms and notes on the treble clef, they learn to play melodies, and more, on three instruments (glockenspiel, dulcimer, and recorder).   They learn about instruments of the orchestra, musical stories, and several significant composers, as well as experiencing different cultural music from around our great country, and from around the world. 

Much of what is learned in this program is not introduced in the school system until 3rd grade, and these student graduate from this program ready for success in more formal music lesson.  This includes recognizing which specific instrument they are passionate about learning.

Kindermusik also offers Specialty Classes which may interest some parents.  For more information on these, click here.

One Response

  1. […]  The following Core Curriculum classes are 45 min. for 15 weeks (except for Young Child which is 60 min.).   For an overview of how the Core Curriculum meets the needs of children at each stage from infancy up to 7 years old, please click here. […]

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